What to Write

So this is blog number three and I still have no idea what I want to write about on a regular basis. I know if I just keep writing about random things that pop into my head you’ll all eventually get bored and I’ll lose you to the endless supply of people out there in the blogging world.

I thought about writing a short story and putting it up but then I wondered- “Can’t someone steal my work if I post it online?”

I don’t know the answer to that, maybe I’ll look it up and post about what I find. Or even better, maybe I can just give you tid-bits of stories I’ve started but never finished. Who know, if I do that maybe I’ll be inspired to finish some of those old attempts at stories.

You should all let me know what you think. I’m needy like that, I like the feedback.

But then again, aren’t all writer’s like that? They write because they love it but they feel most fulfilled when someone other than ourselves actually says it’s good. And I’m not talking about your mom, or that best friend who will tell you you’re amazing even if you suck monkey balls. (you know…I don’t remember where I first heard that but it just seemed right. If you don’t like it …tough.)

I’m talking about that random stranger who doesn’t know you or care even one iota if they hurt your feelings by being brutally honest. I LOVE those people! Even when they’re mean. You might think that makes me crazy but think about it, Even the best authors in the business have people who absolutely hate they’re stuff. So obviously you’re doing something right. Besides, anything that they say that’s negative is just fuel for future work; right?

Anyway, Thanks for reading! Leave some comments. Tell me what you want to hear. Or you can just be that hater who simply makes me want to write even more. Either way, I’ll be around.

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